12th November 2018

Submissions Guidelines

All You Need to Know

All You Need to Know

If you are interested in being a new Lodger at The Glass House, please first ensure you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Make sure your article adheres to the conditions below and upload your article using the Submissions Form.

If you have any further questions, you are welcome to email one of our team on submissions@theglasshousegirls.com – but please be aware that due to the number of submissions we receive, it may take up to two weeks to receive a response. If your question is urgent, make sure you head your email accordingly.

Please ensure when you upload your submission that you include the following:

  • A short author biography. This doesn’t need to be lengthy, as long as it is at least a paragraph and no more than 400 words. If we need more information, we will get in touch.
  • We prefer to include an author image with each article – although this is not a requirement, we ask that if you feel comfortable, you send us an author headshot to include with your bio. Please make sure this image is a clear and high-resolution image and is not an Instagram image. The higher the quality the better.
  • Be sure to include all relevant information about you, your blog (if you have one) or any other hyperlinks you may like included on the site.
  • Please attach your article as an attachment using the form only. No submissions sent via email will be accepted.
  • Please use single spacing between paragraphs or after full stops.
  • Please ensure that you tick Unique Content or Syndicated Content.
    Unique content is when you are submitting something that has not yet been published online elsewhere.
    Syndicated Content: Although we are happy to share syndicated content on our site, you must inform us if and where the article has been published previously and ensure you have permission from the original publication to syndicate this content.**
  • Equally so, if after submitting to us you find someone else has published your work, please let us know as soon as possible.
  • Please make sure that your article includes a preferred Headline and Sub-Header for your article. (However, please be aware that changes and edits to the article will be at the discretion of the Editor and headlines may be changed before publication.)
  • Once articles are online please be aware that changes are very rarely possible, so ensure that you are happy with your article before you send it to us. Proof-read your own work before sending it to us.
  • If your article is time sensitive or reactionary please mark – Time Sensitive:
  • Our strapline is #youthinkitwesayit. There are not many topics we will not venture into, so if it bothers you, irks you, makes you happy or you just want to get it off your chest, let us know.
  • Please take a look at the following example: Each of your articles should be sent to us with a covering page that includes the following:

** The Difference Between Syndicated and Unique Content
Syndicated articles are treated slightly different to unique content article. We are more than happy to publish syndicated articles, however, they will appear under our syndicated section, meaning you will not receive a full author bio. Although a link will be added to the bottom of your article (back to the originally published piece) you will be shown under our Guest Writer bio. No full bio will be added or author image.
All Unique Content pieces will be uploaded with a full author biography pages and an author headshot.

Author: Laura O’Shaughnessy (Blog website: www.seasonwithlove.co.uk)
Date: February 20th 2016
Wordcount: 1219
Unique or Syndicated (if syndicated, please include a link to original post.): Original
Tags: #peanutbutter #peanutbutterlovers #peanutbutterbaking
H1: Calling all Peanut Butter Lovers
H2: Two of the Best Peanut Recipes
SEO checked: Yes – strongly placed wording for Peanut, Peanut Butter and Recipe
Rationale. I’ve picked two recipes, one for crunchy lovers and one for smooth. I think it works well with both especially in the context of it being peanut butter lover day.
Concerns. No specific concerns, but I’d happily take your feedback though and changes etc.
Images: I have attached images of the recipe process for your consideration.
Publish Ready/Proofed: Yes
Date Restrictions/Review Date and or Time or Seasonal Constraints: None necessarily, however, would fit best around World Peanut Day
H1 (Headline): Calling all Peanut Butter Lovers
H2 (Sub-header): Two of the Best Peanut Recipes


Please be aware: 
We will not accept articles that include any of the following:

Derogatory or inflammatory remarks about personalities/celebrities.
Religious extremism
Homophobic in nature
Unnecessary Gratuity

  • Due to the number of submissions we receive, we will respond within fourteen days to those that interest us. If you do not hear from us in that time frame then please feel free to submit your writing elsewhere.
  • Please ensure that you have edited your work before you submit. Once we have made the final edits to the piece there is very little room to go back and edit the piece when it is online.
  • Please be aware that all content for this site is scheduled in advance and lead times for article publication can vary between a week to 6 weeks depending on relevancy and time sensitivity.

To Submit an article to us, please fill in the form on our Submissions Page 

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