Author Miriam McGuirk Answers all our Questions
- Latest Book: Second Chances
- Can you give us the ‘elevator pitch’ version of your latest book.
Second Chances is a poignant, multigenerational tale of connections and community, showcasing the unbreakable human spirit and the hope that can come from taking a leap of faith. - Tell us something about yourself that we likely don’t know! The more obscure the better!
I cannot sing. A bit like one of the main characters, Molly in Second Chances. At the convent where I was educated in Co. Dublin, I was asked to leave the choir. That story and laugh out loud moments is for another time. That said I have a good ear for music. - Do you write in silence, or with music? If you write to music, give us the top three songs on your writers’ playlist this week.
I write in silence and only my characters are allowed into my space. - Are you a plotter or pantser?
Mostly a planner. Sometimes I plan the ending first and work my way back in the story. - Have your characters ever ‘gone off-script’ – hijacked your story and taken it in a direction you didn’t expect?
Always excited and open to when parts of the story heads down an unexpected path, when a character/s decide to do the unexpected. - If you could spend time with any character from any of your books, who would it be and what would you do?
I would happily spend time with Boudie. We would head to London, check out the haunts she frequented when she was young and a bit of a party girl. Later she ran a boutique named Boudie’s Atelier. We would hang out with her famous friends from the seventies, drinking champagne, wearing bejewelled kaftans designed by her. - Which of your characters can you say you would least get along with in real life?
Poppy La Grange – Jamie’s tutor and mentor. A manipulative woman who preyed on his naivety. - Do you read your reviews?
Yes – Perhaps I can learn from them. - What has been the toughest criticism you have been given since becoming a published author?
My punctuation – a real challenge on occasions. I ask, is it because of me living in another country speaking a different language for many years? - What is the best compliment you have received?
‘When people meet you, they never forget you.’ - Do you have a day job when you are not writing? If so, what do you do?
No. I became a full-time writer and storyteller in 2006. - Can you name three authors who have inspired your writing?
Rachel Joyce, Maeve Binchy, Dinah Jeffries - What was your favourite book as a child?
The Famous Five by Enid Blyton
Any book about solving mysteries and of course happy endings. That has not changed. - What scene in your latest book was the hardest scene to write (without giving away too many spoilers!)
One of the main characters Molly. She has been through hell and is carrying a secret she is not ready to share. The most challenging aspect of her scenes was keeping her upbeat, and fun. I wanted her to remain a strong and fearless woman while underneath, she is heartbroken. - Do you have any other author friends? If so, can you name a few and have any of them given you a piece of advice you would consider invaluable on your publishing journey?
Gill Paul. Like me, she loves to swim. We have yet to meet. The Manhattan Girls was wonderful insight into 1920’s New York and women becoming more independent. I am fascinated by the Art Deco era too. I particularly enjoyed Jackie and Maria. The novel evoked memories of my parents talking about them and the articles about Jackie Onassis and Maria Callas splashed across the Sunday papers when I was young.Caroline James – for her wisdom, friendship, and support. She also enjoys wild swimming. Her latest book release, The Cruise will be another great success.Elly Redding – her novel- In too Deep. I appreciate her kindness, and interest in my work.
For Bonus Points – Answer our fabulous frivolous questions!
- What is your biggest fear?
Snakes… - If you could have any superhero power, what would it be?
Nothing to do with numbers, my superpower would be to remain at this age forever, to continue to learn and write more while championing others along the way. - If you could write one line to be etched into your tombstone, what would it read?
She wrote stories, she spoke poetically, and she touched people’s hearts. - If you could give your younger self ONE piece of advice, what would it be?
You are a human Being not a Human Doing… Just simply Be. - Finally – Who are your latest Cover Crushes?
You mean apart from my new Book Cover – which I absolutely love.Angela Barton’s beautiful book cover design for Magnolia House. The colours draw me in. I want to step inside the black door and see what story awaits me. I really enjoyed this novel and Angela’s style of writing.
You can purchase Miriam McGuirk’s latest book: Second Chances here.

If you would like to hear more about Miriam and her books, you can find here on Twitter: @Miriam_McGuirk and Facebook: Miriam McGuirk Authoror visit her website