Reviewed on 11th March 2019

We Rule The Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett

Genre: Fiction / Young Adult
We Rule The Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett Synopsis

Two girls use forbidden magic to fly and fight for their country and for themselves.

Seventeen-year-old Revna is a factory worker, manufacturing war machines for the Union of the North. When she’s caught using illegal magic, she fears being branded a traitor and imprisoned. Meanwhile, on the front lines, Linné defied her father, a Union general, and disguised herself as a boy to join the army. They’re both offered a reprieve from punishment if they use their magic in a special women’s military flight unit and undertake terrifying, deadly missions under cover of darkness. Revna and Linné can hardly stand to be in the same cockpit, but if they can’t fly together, and if they can’t find a way to fly well, the enemy’s superior firepower will destroy them–if they don’t destroy each other first.

We Rule the Night is a powerful story about sacrifice, complicated friendships, and survival despite impossible odds.

We Rule The Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett Review

Kick-Ass Women and Why We Need More of Them

When I was asked if I wanted to review this book I was over the moon. I had checked it out on Goodreads and immediately fell in love with it. The cover is astonishingly attractive and it drew me in before I even got to the description. Then I read the description and knew I had to read it. Books that feature war have never really been my thing before but I had a feeling about this one… that We Rule The Night could change my mind.

Bartlett has a knack for writing strong female characters and I love it. I am sick and tired of weak females, ones that can’t think for themselves and just parade around waiting for a man. That doesn’t happen here. Instead, Bartlett draws me in with two different yet extremely engaging points of view – Revna and Linné.

At first, I must admit I liked Linné more, this is because she had a Mulan vibe to her. She was strong and defiant and had managed to survive in the army as a man becoming the best shot and lion of the regiment. She was what I’ve always aspired to be: unafraid, intelligent and skilled.

But then as I continued to read, I found myself drawn into Revna’s story. Here was a girl struggling under the weight of a traitorous farther. But not only that, she was a girl who had two prosthetic legs and still kicked ass.

She didn’t let her differences stop her, she adapted and became strong and showed everyone just what she could do and that earned her a place in my heart.

Both females have traits I admire, and they inspire me. Bartlett’s beautiful writing hits me straight in the heart and gives me the reassurance I need. It’s my own brand of propaganda telling me that girls are strong… that I am strong and I can do anything I set my mind to just like Revna, Linné and all the other girls in the regiment.

I can’t get over how refreshing it is to have female characters that call to me in this way. I mean there are some great female main characters already out there don’t get me wrong. But to me it’s still such an important thing to explore and something I will always crave more of.

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We Rule the Night showcases girls that are strong, fearless and yet at the same time, human and flawed. Even their doubts comfort me and their breakdowns and emotions only solidify my own. They whisper to me that you can be strong and still feel, you can be tough but not unmoved and most importantly of all you can believe in something but still question it.

Every girl is strong and capable, we are more than just our gender and our circumstances. We can do anything we set our minds to.

Another thing I love about this novel is that Bartlett doesn’t shy away from making her characters face tough decisions and situations. I felt I was constantly in their shoes trying to reason out each possibility… each conflicting interest as they were, and it unsettled me a little. How would you cope with the order to destroy your home? I know I would be distraught at the mere thought of it.

Each character was real and said things that needed to be said, especially Linné. I have always shied away from saying difficult or unpopular opinions but here is someone who will spit it out. That understands the value of honesty and saying things others won’t voice and that in itself is an important lesson not just for me I hope but everyone.

Sometimes you can’t sugar-coat things, you don’t have the time or the luxury and so you must have the confidence to bite the bullet and say the things that need to be said.

Nevertheless, none of the female characters had it easy, the men treat them crudely and hate to be upstaged. There are times I almost screamed at the injustice of what they faced because it mirrored some of my own experiences. Every time they were reprimanded, every time they were forced to hold their tongue I clenched my fists a little tighter.

I’ve always believed women to be equal to men, to be as strong and as intelligent and this book showed me that even now some don’t share my views. This is why this book is such an important read for me. It tells me I am not alone in my thoughts. It mirrors all the hard work I see with campaigns such as ‘This Girl Can’ and it reinforces my own self-worth and confidence.

Every girl is strong and capable, we are more than just our gender and our circumstances. We can do anything we set our minds to. This is what Bartlett brought back to the front of my mind and I am so happy she did. I am so grateful for this book and for the chance to read it early and I can’t wait to buy a copy when it comes out!

Published by: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 978-031641-727-3

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