By The Duchess, 24th October 2015

The Teachings of Joshua

How the World Really Works...

How the World Really Works…

Now, I normally leave the LOA topics to Miss Pollyanna to cover. I am a positive person, I try hard to look on the bright side of life and I believe in fate, but I never really delved into the world of Law Of Attraction until I met Pollyanna. I am a novice. I understand the basics and have tried to put positive thinking and attraction into practise, but that is about as far as I go. Which is why when Miss Pollyanna told me about The Teachings of Joshua I was actually really excited to delve a little more into this somewhat mysterious world. This was a chance for me to really understand more about a world that my friend (and it seems a growing number of others) live in.

Joshua is a group of non-physical teachers who understand the laws of the universe and the intricate mechanism of physical reality. It turns out that there is more going on here on Earth than we could ever imagine. This is an environment designed specifically for our growth, expansion and joy. They teach us that nothing serious or important is really happening here. Itʼs just an elaborate game and we can choose how we play this game. By understanding the rules and acknowledging certain basic universal laws, we can actually create the life we really want. We are creators and our creation is our life and how we live it. Now that we have the ability to learn how the world really works, we can begin to control our own destinies. Can you imagine what that means for you?
With that in mind – and to really understand this new world I was entering because of my ultra logical way of thinking – I needed to ask a few questions. So – for those of you that are curious, this is what I found out about The Teachings of Joshua, and how it changed my perspective of the ‘world we live in’.

The Duchess: It seems that the teachings of LOA are really starting to really flood across the world now. My mother used to talk about “PMA – Positive Mental Attitude” but it seems that more and more people are curious about LOA and seem more open to understand the basics and try to put it into practise. How did you get involved with the teachings of Joshua?

Gary: I never thought it could happen to me. Iʼm a very normal man by all outward appearances. I own a business and I have lived in the same town for thirty years. I have a lovely wife and a lot of great friends and family, yet most of them do not know my secret.
I guess it all started about two years ago when my wife, Lili, and I started meditating. I always thought that meditating was strange, yet I had suddenly been compelled to try it. So I bought the Abraham-Hicks guided meditation CD and we began meditating every morning for about 15 minutes. At first I found it uncomfortable and even irritating. I just couldn’t slow down my thoughts, it is an issue most people have when they first try meditation. But soon it started becoming easier and easier. Then one day I felt a presence inside my body and everything changed.

The Duchess: So wait, you started with meditation, then one day you felt something actually physically inside you? Did that scare you?

Gary: Not scare me as such. It was such a strange and wonderful sensation, but itʼs difficult to describe. As I began to meditate each morning, I would feel the presence coming into my head very slowly at first and then becoming more and more obvious. The presence felt comforting and my mind would fixate on its slow and expanding movements throughout my body.

The Duchess: So how did you progress from having a ‘feeling’ to actually communicating with ‘Joshua’?

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Gary: Soon I decided to talk to ‘it’, this presence, and I started asking it all kinds of questions. The answers came instantly and although they shocked me they were amazing.
I continued my dialogue with the presence every morning during meditation and soon I thought to ask its name. The reply: Joshua.
And so began my channeling experience with Joshua.

The Duchess: Were you at all worried about how people would perceive you if you talked about ‘the voices in your head’?

Gary: At first I kept this to myself as Iʼm sure most people would. Who would believe me anyway? It wasn’t long before I was able to continue my conversations with Joshua even when I wasn’t meditating and it was fun to be able to ask all these questions and get such immediate and real responses. One day in November 2013 during meditation, Joshua urged me to get up and “Write, write, write!”

I quickly got up from my morning meditation, went into my home office and shut the door. I sat at my computer in front of a blank screen and just started typing. The words flowed from me as I maniacally typed as fast as I could. I did not stop until four full pages were written. I had no idea what I was writing, but when I read it back to my wife, we couldn’t believe what we were reading. It was the introduction to a book.
The Duchess: So without even thinking about it, or realising, Joshua had helped you formulate an idea for a book? Had you ever considered writing a book before?

Gary: Not really and like I said, it just came out one day. Even as I was writing it I wasn’t sure what it was. Not until I had finished. I continued typing for about an hour each day. It was as if the book had already been written and all I was doing was taking dictation. There was no outline or plan whatsoever. One day would start just where the last dayʼs writing ended. In exactly eight weeks, A Perception of Reality was completed. Itʼs one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read and I can say that because it wasn’t written by me, it was written through me by Joshua.
Until the last word was written, I had no idea the book was finished. Lili and a small group of friends who had all been reading it as it was being written were saddened to see that it was now over. But the very next morning, without any pause, Joshua started a new book titled Health, Wealth, and Love and just as with the first book, it took exactly eight weeks to complete.

The Duchess: With so much information now flowing through you, you must have been convinced that now was the time to start talking about it more?

Gary: Well, I hadn’t decided to do anything in particular, but during the writing of the two books, word got out and Joshua started receiving questions from people all over the world. The questions ranged from issues involving relationships, to money, to health and to spirituality. At first I personally knew the people who were asking the questions, but since then it has grown so huge that now I have no idea who any of them are.

The Duchess: So people from all around the world message you asking you questions, and Joshua answers these questions through you? In the same way a medium channels the afterlife?

Gary: I guess many would see it as similar yes and I receive several questions every day and I love being the means by which the answers can be given. It is extremely rewarding and I have received so much insight that it has completely changed my life.
Joshua went on to write a third book titled A Radical Change in Your Approach to Life, has written dozens of articles, and has answered hundreds of questions.

Having spoken to Gary at length about Joshua and his teachings, we decided to put it to the test. Gary offered to have us put a question to Joshua and have him answer it. Given that I was possibly the most intrigued of the girls at The Glass House, we decided that I should ask a question.

Here is the question I asked:
I have always been a little bit of a worrier. I used to worry about what people think of me, but now not so much. I used to worry about getting my parents’ approval, but now I don’t care. The only thing is, now my worries seem to have taken on a new form and I find myself with big anxiety issues. I get panic attacks over what some people consider the smallest of problems. What am I doing wrong?

Read Joshua’s response here.

I have to admit that I was really dubious at first. I have never been someone to go to a medium, I have never had my palm read and despite the fact that I practise a certain amount of positive thinking I am not someone that would be drawn to ‘The Teachings of Joshua‘ just by chance.
The answer that Joshua gave me really got me thinking. It took me ‘out of myself’ for a moment and allowed me to look at the situation from a different persecutive. I guess some might say from a ‘higher perspective’.
I can honestly say that I have started to put some of his advice into practise. I almost feel vindicated in my thoughts and proud that I am able to listen to someone or something outside myself.

The teachings of Joshua may not be for everyone, some may feel sceptical and others may read this and feel an urgent pull to get in touch. The fact of the matter is, if you are ‘ready’ to hear it, you will. If you are open to the answers you may get, you may actually hear something that can change you world.

Joshua offers anybody the chance to have their questions answered… Has this introduction intrigued you? Why not get in touch and put your own questions to Joshua today via The Teachings of Joshua website. It’s easy, costs nothing and the response you receive back may just plant the seed for some amazing life changes! Fill in this form on his website with you own question. 

Visit the website here.
Or listen to the radio station here.

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