By Miss Pollyanna, 10th April 2015

Wait! What?

class="p1">When it’s too Late to Re-wind… those Frozen-headed, Heart pounding Moments!

When it’s too Late to Re-wind… those Frozen-headed, Heart pounding Moments!

We’ve all had our fair share of Wait! What? moments. Those times when we are propelled to take a run, a jump or a dive into something we weren’t expecting to. Or someone ignites a spark that connects us with our soul’s mission.

If you haven’t got kids, that won’t necessarily mean that you haven’t heard of the box office smash that is Disney’s Frozen. As hyped up and über merchandised as all of those mass-market manufactured creations may be, I urge you to watch this film, if only because of the magic the Disney team so cleverly weave through their work. They show us how being spontaneous can be great, and, well, disastrous… if the Frozen character Anna is anything to go by…

Stefan Schubert
Stefan Schubert

The Disney Wait! What? scene takes place when Anna (overjoyed that her palace gates have finally opened after years of living as a hermit) tells Prince Hans, one of the guests at her sister’s coronation ball, that he is gorgeous. And then wishes she could eat her dialogue for lunch.

So I’m here to talk about all those Wait! What? moments where our head didn’t get a say in our actions; our tongues ran away with our emotions, and we were left wondering if we were puppets unable to control our bodily functions.

Wait! What? moments don’t have to be embarrassing, there are plenty of positive good ‘uns.
I’ve certainly had my fair share… such as the time I arrived tipsy at London’s mega posh The Savoy hotel via rickshaw after a round or three of daytime cocktails. In fact, I started my Wait! What? moments young, beginning the day I marched up to the headmaster’s office to demand fairness and equality among all pupils. Then in my twenties I spent $800 on a plane ticket to San Francisco to say sorry for tipping beer over someone’s head (somehow if you’re there in person, the apology will seem more heartfelt than via email).

In fact there are millions of spontaneous and ridiculous (in a good way) things we can all do to bring a bit of Disney magic to the world:

  1. Go on a roller-coaster with your teenage daughter because it’s something you used to do and damn it, you’re still young at heart.
  2. Leave notes of money in places where strangers in need might find them.
  3. Dress up as a snowman to watch your kids in their Christmas play in the spirit of all things Noel.
  4. Go for a lobster and champagne lunch at the Burj al Arab despite the price tag… and on and on.

The sky isn’t even the limit, your imagination is!

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Vincent Lock
Vincent Lock

Good Wait! What? moments can only be described as a feeling of total clarity coupled with exhilaration. We feel utterly alive! They may only last a split second but that’s all it takes for our gut instinct to kick in, inspired action to take place and the triumph and jubilation to flow.

Unfortunately for every fabulous Wait! What? moment, there is also an utterly cruddy one.
Funnily enough, I’ve had a few of them too… Like wondering what the heck I was doing with my ‘friend’ as she slid seven lipsticks up her coat sleeve in a major high street shop and then sprinted out, leaving me with no option but to run behind her; eating hash cakes on a bus up to London and then collapsing at the bottom of the elevators in another major high street store (same ‘friend’ very much towing me along); having an email affair when several people in the office building had access to the internet server, and then playing footsy under the table during a business dinner when my boss also fancied the person I was footing.


Oh and the time I accidentally glassed a very big guy in a nightclub because he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Definitely not advised, although at least he finally got the message.

These are the it-spells-trouble moments; a dither followed by an action. They never sit happily with your inner voice/gut instinct/higher self. If you can stop them before the momentum builds up, I wholly encourage you to DO IT (or at least learn to run fast)!

Ultimately, to live a happy life, a fulfilled life, and a life outside of the pigeon hole we subconsciously allow society and ourselves to box us up in, it’s essential we give ourselves the opportunities to put the good Wait! What? moments into practice.

So get out there are and drink these moments up. Start today!

Fill up a Wait! What? jar of positive spontaneity and add your Wait! What? moments to it in writing so that at the end of the year – or just any time you are needing some inspiration – you can take a peek and feel utterly fantastic!

Actually, why not share your good Wait! What? moments with me?

The more we have out there in circulation, the more we encourage and inspire others to break out of the mold and live their Happy Ever After (just like Frozen’s Anna finally did, and *spoiler alert* it wasn’t with Prince Hans)!

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