I am a ray of sunshine in a world obsessed with doom, gloom and fear. I refuse to take off my rose-tinted glasses (except for an occasional rant, hey, I’m part human…) And I never watch the news! We’re here on planet Earth to have fun!
As well as being a Law of Attraction geek, I am passionate about cake and travel. And if the two can happen at once – well, in this girl’s world, that’s a given – so much the better.
I am a Mum of three, a wife of one, and an avid campaigner for stillbirth awareness (the love and healing side).
I run a business, I’m editing my first novel, I love nothing more than to flick open the pages of a cookbook and declare ‘Bam, I’m making that for dinner this evening!’ I love to shout out about the health benefits of water and Pink Himalayan Salt to all who will listen. But I’m partial to a Campari and Orange too…
“And They All Lived Happily Ever After”