By Miss Pollyanna, 10th August 2015

What is ‘Law Of Attraction’?

Where's the Proof it Even Works?

Where’s the Proof it Even Works?

Something exciting is happening in our world. Little by little momentum is building; has always been building. Generations who once hinted at IT with the written and spoken word (The Emerald Tablet as early as 3000 BC, Pythagoras, Shakespeare and President Lincoln), or serenaded IT to us through their music and depicted IT in their art (Beethoven and Leonardo da Vinci), are now shouting IT out from the rooftops!

And what is IT?
The Law of Attraction. Simply put – I’ve got the power. You’ve got the power. We’ve all got the power. We’ve always had the power.

I’m talking about the power of our minds.
It may – or may not – come as news to you. You’ve probably seen the inspirational memes and quotes hinting, suggesting and floating their way around on social media for some time now; that THE VERY THOUGHTS we think in our heads shape the the world around us that we call reality. And once we can physically see this for ourselves, something I hope to bring us closer to in the next few minutes, then there is absolutely No Going Back!

daisy heart

Oh, we might try… But, a little like a fully grown kangaroo attempting to squeeze back into its mummy’s pouch, it ain’t gonna happen! Because the infinite knowledge that we, as humanity, control what appears in our surroundings – those parking tickets, bad hair days and all the bigger stuff like relationships, health and wealth don’t come from nowhere – is life-changing empowerment at its best.

But it’s also a learning curve.
Being aware about The Law of Attraction doesn’t mean our lives will become perfect overnight. All our negative thoughts, old and rusty ideas about the way the world works, and all of the beliefs that our well-meaning parents, teachers and society have sewn into our hearts and minds over the millenia take determination and intention – sometimes shed loads – to shift! But as we grow and learn more and more about the positive thought techniques that work for us – assuming we now choose to think about the things we WANT in our lives as opposed to those we fear/dread/hate/loathe… well, it would kind of make sense! As we drop our fights and campaigns (because the Universe doesn’t understand NO; it will, ironically compute a NO as a YES and bring us even more of the unwanted) we finally come to realise that we can no longer believe the popular societal myth that:

Shit just happens.

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It doesn’t.
It never has. We attract it all to us. Every single little – and not so little – thing. The Good, The Bad and yep, The darn right Ugly. Which will be like a knife to the stomach to some of us: ‘Why would we ‘choose’ this illness, that divorce or this redundancy from our job?’ But once we can begin to accept it, it was our thoughts that brought all of those things to us all along… oh, the liberation that brings. Whilst not everyone in ‘Happy Circles’ is an advocate of looking back to the past, for me it was one of the quickest ways to convince myself that my lack of self esteem (since my early teenage years I’d been a ‘victim’) took me from being the brunt of the school yard bullies, to being on the receiving end of a domestically violent relationship to being discriminated against in the workplace.

Until I changed my mind.

loa woman

Through my research into LOA I realised I had been the sole author of that woeful tale and it was time to pen a much brighter one filled with the stuff I wanted.

But anyway, first I suspect you’ll need some science. That’s okay. I come prepared.

So what IS this Law of Attraction thing?
Well, the simplest way to describe LOA is to think of it as an invisible force. We know about electricity. We know about gravity. But try explaining either of those concepts to humanity just a few hundred years ago and they’d be like: ‘What the bleep? You’re off your rocker!’ They couldn’t see it, they wouldn’t believe it… until they had the cold hard factual evidence… and then who was calling Alexander Graham Bell or Newton crazy? Still, that’s how many of us are when we are first introduced to The Law of Attraction. We put it down to being a load of old mumbo jumbo, claptrap, and utter nonsense. Or spiritual wishful thinking, with no scientific proof to back it up.

That is until we test the theory…

So, Quantum Physics first.
Everything in this gorgeous Universe we call home has a frequency. Everything: the birds, the bees, the weather, the trees. You name it, it creates a wavelength. Our thoughts, actions and words are no exception. The very mental chitchat that swirls around and around in our head; the ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I always get ill’, ‘I’m hideously overweight and look like a hippo in that dress’ and the ‘I’m too old, look at all these grey hairs, I’m way past grooving on the dance floor’, all of these thought statements can actually be measured as a frequency. Scientifically! We are magnets. We are transmission towers. We literally beam these frequencies out there and, since like attracts like, the Universe has now been instructed to beam those things back at us, just like we are tuning into a TV station. We ask. We believe. We receive. But here’s the catch: most people are spending all day, every day, thinking about the stuff they DON’T want. And then they wonder why it shows up in their life with increasing vigour?

heart stones

Here’s an example of that.
I live in a hot country. I don’t much like crickets. The lawn hasn’t been cut recently as we missed the gardeners and every time I venture down it to the washing line I am panicking that a cricket must be waiting ready to hop… I can literally feel the fear rising in my chest. This is a very strong negative emotion because I’m not just thinking it, I’m feeling it too. When we give something feeling at the same time, the manifestation (that very thing we don’t want turning up in our lives) happens all the faster. Believe me. And I am also a deliberate thinker/creator. I have known about LOA for a while now. I know how this game of giving (out thought) and receiving (a match for it) works. But sometimes… just sometimes, even those of us who deliberately practice this stuff let our fears take over and they get carried away like a runaway train.

Well, that was one of those days.

What happened later? Well, since I’d so kindly, so definitely invited it into my life, the cricket just had to put in an appearance… or two… or three. The next day there was a big juicy cricket waiting for me on my knickers as I un-pegged them from the line. Yep, I did scream the house down. The day after that there was one strategically placed halfway up the lawn. That bugger certainly hadn’t been there when I’d walked down the garden. So now I was ‘trapped’. And the evening after that, well, what do you know, a cricket ‘happened’ to jump in through the back door and into the living room making itself quite at home on my son’s racing car track. First time ever in 4 years we’d had one in the house. But my emotion surrounding the cricket was so radiant, so strong, it was just going to happen. That’s how powerful our thinking and feeling mixed up together is.

Which was just the reminder I needed.
Rather than get mad, freaked out or even more scared of the leggy, unpredictable mini-beasts; this series of events filled me with positivity. If I can create this and I don’t want it, then I can drop those negative thoughts, focus on the stuff I do want and magic those things into my world instead.

So, this week, I am going back to basics.
Because no matter how long we’ve been practising good vibes, thoughts and actions, we all need to go back to Square One to re-program ourselves from time to time. And I have the perfect experiment. It’s nothing entirely new. It’s nothing of rocket science proportions, but sometimes the simplest and most fun things work best. Take the test with me and let’s compare notes…

making a list

You have 5 full days and nights (that’s a whopping 120 hours) to ‘invite’ the following items to show up in your life.


1) A Red Star

2) A Vase of Roses

3) Peppermint

4) A Man wearing an Unusual Hat

5) Contact from Somebody you haven’t heard from in Years

6) A Chess Board

Don’t overthink it. Just focus on each item, intend to have it pop up in your life within the time frame, keep your eyes peeled for it, put your skepticism momentarily to one side. And let it go.

I ‘pinched’ this idea from the Good Vibe Blog, founded by Jeannette Maw, former City Hotshot who followed her heart and reinvented herself as the Good Vibe Coach. This is a fantastic website for inspiration on ways to use LOA in the ‘Real World’. It’s refreshingly down-to-earth and Jeannette has years worth of fun and uplifting blogs on tap for people like you and me; articles which give us deliberate creation tips on every subject under the sun. This is my favourite online go-to for an LOA pick me up always, especially as it’s interactive and full of fresh insights.

So, let me know how you get on with the hunt… and if it has opened your mind… just a crack!

Further Reading
One of the best books I have come across for explaining LOA in everyday language is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It’s a book which has received more than its fair share of criticism in many Self-Help circles… ironically, in a world which is supposed to be all about the sunshine and flowers, the word ‘jealousy’ springs very much to mind! Maybe it’s because it’s a book which delivers – the sales alone speak for themselves. So if you want to understand the basic principles of the Law of Attraction, be uplifted and make a start at turning your thoughts around, this book is definitely it.

And one of the best books I have come across on the practical application of LOA is Pam Grout’s E-Squared. This is a great source of experimentation, fun and games. In fact the entire book is jam packed with LOLs to rival comedians; tests which leave us in no doubt as to how this thing called life and all the ‘things she throws at us’ has been in the ‘hands’ of our mind all the time, and great examples of LOA in action in Pam’s life and the lives of others.

Don’t be put off by the apparent ‘enormity’ of these books or view any of this as a task. Just find the voice that resonates with you, the writing style which helps you understand the way it all works and read. Read, read, read. The more you read, the more your subconscious absorbs everything, takes the messages in and helps you transform your outdated thought patterns.

summer field

Then it gets exciting! Then you start seeing the evidence!

The key is to start off small. Build your belief like a muscle. Don’t be tempted to try to manifest the HUGE stuff first. Work your way up to it. Gratitude and belief in your ability to attract the smaller things you have less attachment to – the parking space, the unexpected coins, the babysitting offer, the free coffee, paves the way for the bigger things you have been waiting for… for, like, forever.

Go get inspired. Start to change your life. Feel empowered.

But for heaven’s sake… Don’t preach! As ‘Light Is The New Black‘ author, Rebecca Campbell reminds us. Because not everybody is ready. Not everybody is as enlightened as you are. As we are!

And that’s fine. Raise yourself up enough to a new and happy vibration and you’ll naturally encourage people to join your ‘party’ anyway… and those who don’t want to… well, as I have learned and am continuously learning, let them go. New ‘ones’ will replace them. It’s amazing the shiny happy entourage we create as we move towards positive thinking. Selfish is the way forward now. And selfish you must be if you are committed to consciously creating the best version of your life with The Law of Attraction. If you are happy, you make everyone around you happy.

Do it for you. Do it because you deserve it. Do it because you, like me, like ALL OF US have the power.

(Editors Note: Has our article sparked your interest? If so – take a look at the books below, all available to buy on Amazon. Don’t be shy, use the comments box below to get in touch and let us know what you think!)

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