Ali is the proud owner and carer of around a thousand books, as well as a husband, three children, a dog and a cat.
Ali has always been a keen reader and as a teenager she was obsessed with early 20th century girls boarding school books like the Chalet School. When she started working she began collecting early editions of this genre and joined lost of groups with like-minded people. This has gone on the backburner since having children but she still loves her book collection of girlsown literature even if she tends to mostly read contemporary fiction these days.
She spent the last 6 years living in Denmark where she ran a book club and occasionally reviewed books for the local English language bookshop there. She has now relocated back to England and is adjusting to the different lifestyle and change of pace. She is on the hunt for a new book club to join.
Ali is also a keen baker, coffee drinker and doing her best to live as plastic-free lifestyle as possible.