Serena Novelli is a mummy of five who overcame teenage pregnancy and never gave up on her
Serena focuses her work to empower women to be confident and successful, both with career and
within their own skin. And as well as running her own childcare business Serena also works alongside
mums in business association as a networking coordinator, providing a warm and child-friendly
space for like-minded mummies to meet and collaborate and build their businesses.
she is also a team leader with Ann summers supporting women to feel body confident and as a
slimming world consultant, helping both women and men to create a healthy lifestyle and once
again body confidence.
To find out more about Serena check out her website or Instagram account
Serena is also one of the 25 mumpreneurs featured in Mumpreneur on Fire 3. You can check out the review for this book here or buy it on Amazon via the links below.
All about Serena Novelli
Articles by Serena Novelli