
All about A-Anon

In this section you will find a number of articles by writers who have been brave enough to tell us their stories, open enough to let the world know their secrets and innermost thoughts but for their own reasons have decided to keep their identity secret. Here at The Glass House Girls we are proud to discuss the topics that matter, the stories that no one feels they can discuss but we are also grateful and understanding that some may wish to keep their identities private from the greater public. In The Glass House we do not judge – and for that reason we are happy to publish stories by women who, for their own personal reasons, wish to remain anonymous.

If you would like to tell us a story, share your experiences or even share your view but wish to remain anonymous – get in touch with us. We promise to listen without judgement and share without prejudice. Email us <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here</a> if you want to get involved, but remember to state clearly that you would like to keep your name private.

Articles by A-Anon