Reviewed on 19th February 2019

Harold Peabody & the Magic Glasses by Dawn Kopman Whidden & O.M. Faye

Genre: Children's Fiction
Harold Peabody & the Magic Glasses by Dawn Kopman Whidden & O.M. Faye Synopsis

Harold dreams of being a hero like his father, a Navy SEAL, but-he is what you might call an easy target. He’s short, he’s almost legally blind, and he’s the new kid in town!
When the biggest bully in school smashes Harold’s glasses and he has to get a new pair, something amazing happens. Suddenly, Harold can see anyone’s greatest fear.
Do you know what this means?
And it has never tasted so sweet.
One by one, Harold is going to make bullies pay.
But, in the end, what if Harold becomes the villain in the story . . . instead of the hero?

Harold Peabody & the Magic Glasses by Dawn Kopman Whidden & O.M. Faye Review

A Great Book with an Important Moral

This book was a little slice of  ‘magic’.

It is called “Harold Peabody & the Magical Glasses”. I liked this book from the very start, it was really cool!

It is about this boy called Harold, who just moved away from sunny California and just started school. Then a bully called Jack decided to break Harold’s glasses. Harold gets a new pair of glasses, then finds out they are magical!

Now he can see everyone else’s fears. But sometimes knowing what everyone is scared of isn’t a good thing! You can use it for good… or bad! Soon everything gets out of control.

Harold, who was once the nice kid who was bullied, has turned into the mean kid who bullies everyone else. Harold liked the power of knowing everyone’s fear just a little too much.

Will Harold see the truth, or will he continue being mean? Can he be good again?

I am rating this four and a half because I did not like the bit where he pushed Jack into the river, I thought Harold went a bit too far then. But at least Jack could finally see what it was like to be bullied.

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I really liked Harold Peabody & the Magical Glasses. This story reminded me of my other favourite book series – The Fairy Senses by Emily Marth Sorensen. I think this book is perfect for kids (both boys and girls) aged 8 and up. Or really any kid who has ever been bullied.

Reviewed by Tabitha Wilson (aged 9) for The Glass House Book Club

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