Chocolate Covered Flakes – not just for Kids!
Is there ever a time of year that’s not perfect for chocolate? Of course not! Maybe this month we don’t want to eat it in the normal mounds – I’m possibly one of the only exceptions to that rule – but we still want it. We still NEED it. And with the weekend comes dinner with friends, soirees, picnics and fiestas. If we are looking for a quick, chilled and light(ish) bite to round off a supper, full on five course meal with our coffee, or to take the edge off the Sunday Roast, then I think I may have just what we have all been looking for: My Posh Cornflake Cakes.
And because I am Miss Pollyanna, I present to you not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 varieties…
1) Posh Chocolate Mint Cornflake Cakes
340g milk chocolate (around 50-55% cocoa content is best)
55g unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
140g cornflakes (don’t skimp with the supermarket’s own brand!)
-Simply break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan.
-Add the butter and melt over a low heat, but stir frequently.
-Once all is melted and looking glossy, carefully measure and add the peppermint extract… it’s really important you don’t use too much as it is strong stuff, so 1/4 teaspoon max!
-Whisk to create a thick glossy sauce and then tip in the cornflakes and stir until they are all covered with the yummy coating.
-Spoon the mixture into paper cake cases and transfer to the fridge to set. After an hour they will be ready to devour.
Makes 20
2) Posh Chocolate Orange Cornflake Cakes
340g milk chocolate (around 50-55% cocoa content is best)
55g unsalted butter
zest of 1 large orange
1 teaspoon orange extract
140g cornflakes (don’t skimp with the supermarket’s own brand!)
-Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan.
-Add the butter and melt over a low heat, but stir frequently.
-Once all is melted and glossy, measure and add the orange extract and grated zest of the orange.
-Whisk to create a thick glossy sauce and then tip in the cornflakes and stir until they are all covered with the yummy coating.
-Spoon the mixture into paper cake cases and transfer to the fridge to set. After an hour they will be ready to devour.
Makes 20

3) Posh Chocolate Coconut Cornflake Cakes
340g milk chocolate (around 50-55% cocoa content is best)
55g coconut oil
2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
a pinch of sea salt
140g cornflakes (don’t skimp with the supermarket’s own brand!)
-Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan.
-Add the coconut oil and desiccated coconut and melt over a low heat, but stir frequently.
-Once all is melted and glossy, measure and add the vanilla extract and sea salt.
-Whisk to create a thick glossy sauce and then tip in the cornflakes and stir until they are all covered with the yummy coating.
-Spoon the mixture into paper cake cases and transfer to the fridge to set. After an hour they will be ready to devour.
Makes 20
4) Posh Dark Chocolate Cornflake Cakes
340g dark chocolate (around 70% cocoa content or higher is best)
55g unsalted butter
140g cornflakes (don’t skimp with the supermarket’s own brand!)
-Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan.
-Add the butter and melt over a low heat, but stir frequently.
-Whisk to create a thick glossy sauce and then tip in the cornflakes and stir until they are all covered with the yummy coating.
-Spoon the mixture into paper cake cases and transfer to the fridge to set. After an hour they will be ready to devour.
Makes 20
And there you have it. Your only dining dilemma now is which to choose!