By Miss Pollyanna, 14th February 2019

The 7 Faces of Valentine’s Day

Which One Are You?

Which One Are You?

We’ve all been one, two or possibly all seven of these over the Februarys of our lives. And if our face doesn’t fit into one of these categories now, it’s only because we’ve gotten so good at training our other half with hints halfway through January… So here’s a little Valentine’s fun. Send it to all your romantically, or not so romantically obsessed friends and let’s set Cupid in action!

Mock surprise when the cards you’ve sent yourself fall onto the doormat in a flurry.
The How could you forget? face!
That is sooooo cheesy but I’ll feign adoration face.
The I’m going to kill the postman face. He MUST have my card in the bottom of his bag!
The let’s just pretend we’re the only loved up couple in the restaurant ‘cos this is utterly embarrassing.
The OMG, he actually paid attention to the movies and laid a trail of rose petals to a four poster bed adorned with, yep, more roses… but I haven’t shaved my legs yet.
The SHIT! I forgot face


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