All about Lady Lolita

Hi! I’m Lady Lolita
I’ve been a writer from the moment I could pick up a pencil. My innate ramblings were originally locked away in decade’s worth of diaries, but now thanks to the evolution of technology I can inflict my unwanted opinions upon the masses. Lucky you!
On the outside I’m a 30-something married mother of two little girls, but (not so) deep inside is the same insatiable, incorrigible and nearly always pissed 20-something I once was. You will see a lot of her, she likes to make herself heard!
I’m a heady mix of Latino passion, London gobbiness and a splash of Girl Power…with a cheeky Mojito always within reach.
“Love me or hate me – but you won’t forget me.”
Articles by Lady Lolita
Why is Hollywood so Quick to Divorce?
Without Shouting, Crying or Throwing a Hammer at your Partner
From Car to Bike... How will I Cope?
The Only Flat Pack Hack You Need
Own it or Take Ownership, but Stop Blaming Others
8 Ways to Embrace the Sunshine and get your Sexy on...
Why being a Mummy Bride is Hard Work
style="text-align: left;">Why Having a Famous Boyfriend is (Probably) a Bad Idea
Who said Looking Hot in this Heat was Easy?
Without having to Join Destiny's Child or Charlie's Angels
Pay and Periods are Stopping Women from Winning
It won’t work... it just makes you a nightmare to live with
De-Clutter Your Life and Get your Surfaces Back
The only way you’ll get me in front of UEFA Euro 2016
8 Ways to Avoid a Colourful Wardrobe